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Showing posts from August, 2022

Review: Gun Honey #1 by Charles Ardai

Gun Honey #1  by  Charles Ardai My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! I have been looking for another graphic novel like Lady Killer by JoĆ«lle Jones. When I saw the cover of GUN HONEY: BLOOD FOR BLOOD ā€“ Book 1 by Charles Ardai and illustrated by Ang Hor Kheng in Hoopla, I thought it was it. I enjoyed the illustrations, but I felt a bit lost while reading the story. I am not sure if there is another series I should have read before starting this one to get more of a background story. I will most likely not continue reading this series. It is ok but I did not get hooked on it. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #gunhoney #charlesardai #anghorkheng #titanbooks #torontolibrary #bookreview...

Review: Welcome to Pandorient by Carbone

Welcome to Pandorient  by  Carbone My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! WELCOME TO PANDORIENT by Carbone and GijĆ© is the first book in THE MUSIC BOX series. It is a cute and adventurous graphic novelā€¦ perfect for Middle Graders. I enjoyed the illustrations and the very imaginative story. I am looking forward to continuing reading this series. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #themusicbox #welcometopandorient #carbone #gije #europecomics #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow  by  Gabrielle Zevin My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! TOMORROW, TOMORROW, AND TOMORROW by Gabrielle Zevin is a great book for serious gamers. I played video games when my children were young but never really took to them. They are fun but I rather read a good book. This book is well-written, and the characters well developed. I was confused at times but overall, the story was interesting and very emotional. Did it end the way I expected? Not at all! Was the ending good? Definitely! I enjoyed reading this book, but it is not my fav by this author. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #tomorrowtomorrowandtomorrow #gabriellezevin #penguinran...

Review: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

People We Meet on Vacation  by  Emily Henry My rating:  5 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION by Emily Henry is so cute and perfect. I loved Poppy and Alex so much. It was amazing to see them grow from friends to lovers. I loved everything about this story. The ups and downs of their relationship felt like an addictive rollercoaster. The end was just right. If you have not read this book yet, what are you waiting for? #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #peoplewemeetonvacation #emilyhenry #berkleypub #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Dark Tales: Beauty and the Beast: A Modern Retelling by Pete Katz

Dark Tales: Beauty and the Beast: A Modern Retelling  by  Pete Katz My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was originally written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince in 1756. In DARK TALES: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: A MODERN RETELLING, Peter Katz retells the story in the form of a graphic novel by keeping the original story essence and by adding a new twist. I enjoyed the story and the illustrations are beautiful. There are a lot of fun details in the illustrations and the reader can miss them easily if he or she does not take the time to enjoy them. I just discovered the DARK TALES series and I am looking forward to reading more. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #beauty...

Review: Six Ways to Write a Love Letter by Jackson Pearce

Six Ways to Write a Love Letter  by  Jackson Pearce My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! SIX WAYS TO WRITE A LOVE LETTER by Jackson Pearce is a cute read filled with lots of ups and downs. I enjoyed the character of Remy as a musician and wannabe producer. There was depth to him but not so much for the character of Vivi. She was cold and immature, and I do not understand why Remy was attracted to her. I enjoyed the information about the music tour and all the cities they visited. I wanted more of Celeste in the story. Her character as a saboteur was underplayed. I enjoyed the book but would have loved more from the story. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #sixwaystowritealove...

Review: Lady Killer, Volume 2 by Joƫlle Jones

Lady Killer, Volume 2  by  JoĆ«lle Jones My rating:  5 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! LADY KILLER, VOLUME 2 by JoĆ«lle Jones was as good as the first volume if not more. I am amazed by the amazing illustrations and by the story line. Josie is a sexy, witty, and violent killer for hire who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. Wow! Some of the scenes were gruesome but they work for this book. This is not a graphic novel for children or for the faint of heart. It is very explicit! If you can tolerate the blood and gruesomeness, you will love this series. I can only hope that a third book will be published soon to see what happens next for Josie. I will keep my fingers crossed that this will happen. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstag...

Review: Stay Awake by Megan Goldin

Stay Awake  by  Megan Goldin My rating:  5 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! Holy Moly!!! Megan Goldin does it again! Her new book, STAY AWAKE is totally awesome! From the start, the plot hooked me and did not let go to the end. I read the book in one sitting because I could not wait to see what happens next. I had no issue with STAYING AWAKE to read this one (pun intended)! This no-yawn-fast-paced mystery thriller is surprising and fresh. The ending is astonishing and wrapped with a bow to bring a solid conclusion to the story. This is a must read!! Pick up a copy today and be amazed! #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #stayawake #megangoldin #stmartinspress #bookreview View all my rev...

Review: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

Legendborn  by  Tracy Deonn My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! The Pooches & Pages Book Club discussed LEGENDBORN by Tracy Deonn last night. It has been a while since I read a YA Fantasy so enthralling and exciting. It totally captivated me and now I canā€™t wait to read the next book in the series. The ending was mind-blowing, and I knocked my socks off. The story is strong, and the characters are wonderful. I could not put that one down after I started it. If you have not read it, please pick up a copy today. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #legendborn #tracydeonn #poochesandpages #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Blame Game by Sandie Jones

The Blame Game  by  Sandie Jones My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE BLAME GAME by Sandie Jones is a jaw-dropping, full of surprise mystery thriller with twists after twists. Wow! When you think you know what is going on, Ms. Jones surprises you with a new plot avenue. Impressive!! I truly enjoyed this engaging book and it does not disappoint. I wish that the plot about Naomiā€™s father and sister would have played a larger role in the story. Now I am curious if Naomi will find it in her heart to forgive and where their relationship will go. Nevertheless, this is a fantastic read and you should get a copy as soon as it is available at your favourite bookstore. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookc...

Review: Chiggers by Hope Larson

Chiggers  by  Hope Larson My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! CHIGGERS by Hope Larson is a cute graphic novel about a young girl going to summer camp. The book covers friendship and puppy love. There are some drama moments but they all make up in the end. It is a quick and fun read. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #chiggers #hopelarson #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Lost by Jeffrey B. Burton

The Lost  by  Jeffrey B. Burton My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE LOST by Jeffrey B. Burton is the third book in the Mace Reid K-9 Mystery series. I love this series about Mason Reid and his trained cadaver dogs. This might sound morbid, but it is not. This series is filled with action and mystery. Masonā€™s dogs are awesome and save the day more than once in every books. In this third book, Vira, a golden retriever, is a star by putting villains out of action, saving Mason from death (more than once), and rescuing a child. The plot is solid and the characters very interesting. I recommend this series to anyone who loves mysteries including hero dogs. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunit...

Review: It Started with a Puppy by Christy Jeffries

It Started with a Puppy  by  Christy Jeffries My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! IT STARTED WITH A PUPPY by Christy Jeffries is a charming romance novel about Elise, a young woman who is struggling with so many things in her life until she meets Harris who helps me in many ways. It is adorable to see how their relationship develops and how they find love. The title did not suit the book until near the end, but there are cute furbabies in this story. This is a clean love story with some drama. It is an enjoyable read. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #ChristyJeffries, #ItStartedWithAPuppy, #HarlequinSpecialEdition #harlequinbooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Hendrix: Electric Requiem by Mattia Colombara

Hendrix: Electric Requiem  by  Mattia Colombara My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! HENDRIX: ELECTRIC REQUIEM by Mattia Colombara and Gianluca Maconi was originally published in Italian in 2010 and will be available in English at the end of the month. This graphic novel took me on a journey in this legendary guitaristā€™s mind and life. The illustrations are phenomenal, and the story is awesome. I learned a lot about this iconic guitarist. It gave a great overview of his early life and his relationship with his father, mother, and grandmother and how it impacted his mental health as an adult. I also learned how he was inspired to become an exceptional musician; and what he had to do to become a star. His candle burned out too early and it is sad that, like so many musicians in that era, drugs had to do with his death. This book is no doubt for an adult audience who loves music. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #...

Review: The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda

The Last to Vanish  by  Megan Miranda My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE LAST TO VANISH by Megan Miranda is a well-written slow burn mystery thriller. I enjoyed a solid plot and the surprise twist near the end. I did not guess the ā€œwho did itā€ and ā€œhow it was doneā€. That was very clever and gave a satisfying ending to the novel. Donā€™t let the slow burn aspect of the novel stop me from reading this awesome book. Pick up a copy today and enjoy. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #thelasttovanish #meganmiranda #simonschusterca #scribnerbooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Incredible Nellie Bly: Journalist, Investigator, Feminist, and Philanthropist by Luciana Cimino

The Incredible Nellie Bly: Journalist, Investigator, Feminist, and Philanthropist  by  Luciana Cimino My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE INCREDIBLE NELLIE BLY by Luciana Cimino and Sergio Algozzino is an extraordinary graphic novel about the life of exceptional life of one of the most interesting women who lived in in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Nellie Bly. Ms. Bly was a pioneer journalist, investigator, feminist, and philanthropist who proved to a male centric society that women are more than just vessels to bring forth children, keep the house clean, and look pretty. Her investigative journalism work has been recognised as the best and most innovative. She is a force to be reckoned with. This beautifully illustrated graphic novel gives an overview of her greatest accomplishments. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer ...

The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe

The Fixer Upper  by  Lauren Forsythe My rating:  2 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE FIXER UPPER by Laura Forsythe had a slow start and the story does not take off until page 59. Even from there, the story is not that exciting and lack true romance. The characters were needy and dull. The story was predictable and problematic. If this were real life, I donā€™t think Aly and Dylan would have a lasting relationship. Their connection was hot and then coldā€¦ not a formula for success. Unfortunately, this one was not for me. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #thefixerupper #laurenforsythe #penguinrandomca #penguincanada #putnambooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Wild Is the Witch by Rachel Griffin

Wild Is the Witch  by  Rachel Griffin My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! WILD IS THE WITCH by Rachel Griffin was a wild and wonderful story about a young witch who can communicate with animals. This YA fantasy is atmospheric and highly emotional. It is a story of dealing with oneā€™s emotions and finding oneself in the process. I loved the enemies to lovers story between Iris and Pike. I also loved their adventure in nature to find the enchanted owl and stop the curse from happening. A truly beautiful and romantic magical book! #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #wildisthewitch #raincoastbooks #sourcebooksfire #rachelgriffin #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Woman with Two Shadows by Sarah James

The Woman with Two Shadows  by  Sarah James My rating:  3 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! THE WOMAN WITH TWO SHADOWS by Sarah James was a slow burn mystery. It is about a woman who is determined to solve the mystery of her twinā€™s disappearance by taking her place in a highly secretive military operation in 1945. Lillianā€™s efforts were remarkable, but the ending was not as satisfying. I enjoyed the background story about the making of the first atom bomb. Lots of interesting facts were offered in the book. Overall, it is a good read. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #thewomanwithtwoshadows #sarahjames #sourcebooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Homecoming by Patricia Briggs

Homecoming  by  Patricia Briggs My rating:  5 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! For those of you who know me well, you know how much I love the Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs. I want to be Mercy Thompson when I grow up. She is beautiful, intelligent, and she can kick arses!! I have read all the books in the series, and I am always looking forward to the next one to see where Ms. Briggs will take us. I knew that there was a series of graphic novels based on the series but never thought to purchase them. I recently saw that the first book was available on and purchased it. Wow!!! It blew my mind. The illustrations are phenomenal, and the story has all the elements I love about this series. It was awesome to see Mercy, Stefan, Adam, Zee and other characters I love in action. I am hooked and need to get the other books. My husband, who is not a big fan of supernatural beings, read it and he is hooked too. This is making me happy!! #bookstadog #poodles ...

Review: Too Good to Be Real by Melonie Johnson

Too Good to Be Real  by  Melonie Johnson My rating:  4 of 5 stars šŸ“š Hello Book Friends! TOO GOOD TO BE REAL by Melonie Johnson was a fun and original romcom. The fantasy rom-com world setting was a bit hard to imagine and believe, but the love connections were awesome and sexy. This was enjoyable and perfect for some reading time on the docks! #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #toogoodtobereal #meloniejohnson #stmartinspress #bookreview View all my reviews