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Showing posts from December, 2021

Review: Must Love Books by Shauna Robinson

Must Love Books  by  Shauna Robinson My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! MUST LOVE BOOKS by Shauna Robinson was a bit of a heavier read than I expected but was excellent, nonetheless. The story is well-written and interesting. Nora, the main character, faced real-life struggles such as the fear of losing her job, being overworked, and dealing with depression. I appreciated that the author infused the story with uplifting ways to help Nora find a positive path for her life. The ending was satisfying and felt true. Great read overall. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #mustlovebooks #shaunarobinson #bookmarked #raincoastbooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: It's a Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn

It's a Wonderful Woof  by  Spencer Quinn My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! IT’S A WONDERFUL WOOF by Spencer Quinn was such a fun and exciting read. I enjoyed reading the book in the voice of Chet, a wonderful detective dog. So many parts were funny as you read Chet’s perspective of the situation. I wish I could hear my dogs’ thoughts that way. This is the 12th book in the Chet and Bernie Mystery Series. I am happy that it can be read as a stand-alone. I am definitely going to purchase the series for me and my husband to enjoy. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #itsawonderfulwoof #spencerquinn #forgebooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: No Judgments by Meg Cabot

No Judgments  by  Meg Cabot My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! I finished NO JUDGMENTS by Meg Cabot and I really liked it. It has so many interesting characters and the story is perfect. I enjoyed the heated relationship between Bree and Drew and how they worked together to save the animals after the hurricane. It is a feel-good romcom that will leave you with a big smile. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #nojudgments #megcabot #williammorrowbooks #harpercollinsca #booksofhcc #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: A Snow Garden and Other Stories by Rachel Joyce

A Snow Garden and Other Stories  by  Rachel Joyce My rating:  5 of 5 stars A SNOW GARDEN & OTHER STORIES by Rachel Joyce is one of the most beautiful Christmas books I have read. It is perfect! Seven short stories that intertwine that will make you smile, think, and shed a few tears. It is so good! I related to each of the stories somehow and it made this book even more special. Pick a copy today; you will not regret it. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #asnowgarden #racheljoyce #penguincanada #blackswanbooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: A Princess for Christmas by Jenny Holiday

A Princess for Christmas  by  Jenny Holiday My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! Don’t be deceived by this cute cover! A PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS by Canadian author Jenny Holiday is sexier than expected, offering many passionate moments. It is also adorable and clever. I enjoyed the fairy tale feeling of the story and the intense relationship between Mary and Leo. The story has just the right amount of drama and flows nicely from start to end. It has a happy ever after ending that is satisfying. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #aprincessforchristmas #jennyholiday #avonbooks #harpercollinsca #booksofhcc #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Christmas with the Teashop Girls by Elaine Everest

Christmas with the Teashop Girls  by  Elaine Everest My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! CHRISTMAS WITH THE TEASHOP GIRLS by Elaine Everest was a sweet Christmas historical/mystery novel. I love the strong female characters and the heartfelt friendship they have. The story takes place in 1940 in the small coastline town of Margate, England. The plot has dangers, mystery, and love. I enjoyed it! #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #christmaswiththeteashopgirls #elaineeverest #panmacmillan #currentread #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Christmas Room by Catherine Anderson

The Christmas Room  by  Catherine Anderson My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! THE CHRISTMAS ROOM by Catherine Anderson was a sweet story about loss, love, and forgiving oneself. This book surprised me as it starts with Cam and Kirstin meeting and falling for each other. You would think that the rest of the book would centre around them but no… the real plot was about Maddie (Cam’s mother) and Sam (Kirstin’s father). The insta-love between Cam and Kirstin felt rushed and so was their wedding. I am not sure why the author would write the drama about the wedding dress. It made Kristin look like a spoiled child. If I were Cam, I would call the wedding off because this situation showed a side of Kristin’s character that is not desirable and points to many troubles in the future. All in all, it was still a sweet story. There were many beautiful moments despite what I did not like about the book. The book ended with a fantastic Christmas spirit moment and was heartw...

Review: The Warsaw Orphan by Kelly Rimmer

The Warsaw Orphan  by  Kelly Rimmer My rating:  5 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! I have been reading a lot of WWII historical novels lately and I can tell you that THE WARSAW ORPHAN by Kelly Rimmer is one of the most emotional one I have read this year. The story is heartbreaking and yet full of hope. It follows two teenagers during the German occupation of Warsaw. At 14, Elzbieta Rabinek has already witnessed her share of war violence and wants to do all she can to help the Jewish community held captive in the ghettos. This is where she meets Roman Gorka, a 16 years old Jewish-Catholic boy who will do everything in his power to help his family. War will not be kind on them, and they will face many dangers, pain, and sadness. This book is deeply emotional and tragic but shows that courage, determination, and love will always prevail. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove ...

Review: A Dog's Perfect Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron

A Dog's Perfect Christmas  by  W. Bruce Cameron My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! I was hesitating to read A DOG’S PERFECT CHRISTMAS by W. Bruce Cameron because I was afraid that I would be undone by the end of the book. I was pleasantly surprised by the positive ending and wonderful story. There are parts that are sad but overall, it is an amazing story about family and knowing what is important in our lives. The story unfolds beautifully, and I was constantly turning pages to see what was going to happen next. I recommend this fantabulous Christmas-themed book. It is a feel-good story! #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #adogsperfectchristmas #wbrucecameron #forgereads #b...

Review: Mutts and Mistletoe by Natalie Cox

Mutts and Mistletoe  by  Natalie Cox My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! MUTTS AND MISTLETOE by Natalie Cox is a fun novel about a young woman who finds herself taking care of her cousin’s dog kennel while she is away. The story is cute and entertaining. Who can resist this adorable book cover anyway? It is a very quick read, and you will be entertained from beginning to end by a cast of fantastic characters. This Christmas themed story is uplifting and will put a smile on your face. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #muttsandmistletoe #nataliecox #putnambooks #penguincanada #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Finding Christmas by Karen Schaler

Finding Christmas  by  Karen Schaler My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! FINDING CHRISTMAS by Karen Schaler was a perfect blend of Christmas spirit, fun, and love. The scavenger hunt was such an inspiring idea! I would love to organise one for my husband. I love the setting and all the Christmas cheers. The way Emmie and Sam met was dreamy and so romantic. I love how their relationship evolved and the ending was wonderful. If you are looking for a fun Christmas romcom; this is the one. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #findingchristmas #karenschaler #williammorrowbooks #harpercollinsca #booksofhcc #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy by Rey Terciero

Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy: A Graphic Novel: A Modern Retelling of Little Women by Rey Terciero My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book was hard to rate. I like it for the most part but it felt too young or maybe I am too old. LOL! On the other hand, I loved the illustrations. Some characters were interesting and some were really annoying. This is a retelling of Little Women. I have not read the original yet and I will have to now just to find out if this book did a good job at retelling such a classic story. Overall, it was good, but felt that there might be more to come. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #megjobethandamy #reyterciero #breindigo #littlebrownyoungreaders #bookreview

Review: Mr. Dickens and His Carol by Samantha Silva

Mr. Dickens and His Carol  by  Samantha Silva My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! MR. DICKENS AND HIS CAROL by Samantha Silva is a perfect match for two of my favourite genres: Historical and Christmas themed novels. This is a charming story of Charles Dickens’ struggles to write his famous Christmas book: A Christmas Carol. I enjoyed the drama, the wit, and the humour in this book. It is an enjoyable read through and through, and perfect to put you in the holiday mood. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #mrdickensandhiscarol #samanthasilva #flatironbooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: George and Lizzie by Nancy Pearl

George and Lizzie  by  Nancy Pearl My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! GEORGE & LIZZIE by Nancy Pearl has such a cute book cover, but the story is not as cute. It is actually quite intense and poignant. The story is about Lizzie and her obsession with an ex-boyfriend, Jack, and how it defined her life and her marriage with George. Lizzie is broken and is unable to move on with her life. I sympathized with George the entire book and it was hard to like Lizzie. Fortunately, the end was good and made up for the moments I wanted to give up on this book. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #georgeandlizzie #nancypearl #touchstonebooks #bookreview View all my reviews

Review: The Twelve Dogs of Christmas by Lizzie Shane

The Twelve Dogs of Christmas  by  Lizzie Shane My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! The Pooches & Pages Book Club December choice is THE TWELVE DOGS OF CHRISTMAS by Lizzie Shane. This review is for the audiobook version. Who cannot like a book about dogs? I loved all the dogs in this book…they had such fun personalities. On the other hand, Ben and Ally were ok but had a bit too much drama and i am not sure that a relationship like theirs would survive in real life. I wish the story would have been more about the dogs and finding them new home in other places than Pine Hallow. It is a cute read nonetheless. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookreviewer #bookcommunity #bibliophile #thetwelvedogsofchristmas #lizzi...

Review: Otherworld Nights by Kelley Armstrong

Otherworld Nights  by  Kelley Armstrong My rating:  4 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! I just finished OTHERWORLD NIGHTS by Kelley Armstrong. This is the third book in the Otherworld Stories Series. I love these Otherworld novellas and how they allow me to enjoy my favourite characters once more. In this one, I particularly enjoyed Elena and Clay’s Christmas holiday with the twins. It was nice to know how they finally revealed their secret to their children. If you like supernatural novels, this is a fantastic one. I recommend you read the WOMEN OF THE OTHERWORLD series by Kelley Armstrong first and then start this one just to get a feel of all the amazing characters and their stories. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookishcanadians #canadianbookstagram #bookre...

Review: How Lulu Lost Her Mind by Rachel Gibson

How Lulu Lost Her Mind  by  Rachel Gibson My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! After reading the synopsis of HOW LULU LOST HER MIND by Rachel Gibson, I knew I had to read this book. I relate to this story in so many ways. My mother is physically healthy, but she suffers from dementia. It is hard to see her becoming less and less like herself every time we meet. This book deals with the many ups and downs of an Alzheimer patient. These are also present in patients with dementia. The book has many great moments and I appreciated that the author did not shy away from the bad ones too. It is a wonderful story of a daughter who only wants the best for her dying mother and make her last days as lovely as possible. Beautiful book. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookish #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #iloveboo...

Review: The Imitation Game by Jim Ottaviani

The Imitation Game  by  Jim Ottaviani My rating:  3 of 5 stars đź“š Hello Book Friends! I was very intrigued to know more about Allan Turing and his work in mathematics and computer science. The graphics were outstanding, and the story was well presented. Unfortunately, the over detailed account of his work was just too much for me. I think the author wanted to communicate Mr. Turing’s genius, but this ended up confusing me. I wanted to know about his theories in layman’s terms and more about his personal life. The author’s notes were thought-provoking. I have a hard time with the way homosexuals were treated in those days and how we are often not further in recognising homosexuality as a normal part of life today. I am looking forward to the day that this will no longer matter and that everyone will be treated equally. #bookstadog #poodles #poodlestagram #poodlesofinstagram #furbabies #dogsofinstagram #bookstagram #dogsandbooks #bookishlife #bookishlove #bookstagrammer #bo...