Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center My rating: 4 of 5 stars QOTD: If you opened a store, what would you sell? I laughed so hard while reading this book. I kept reading parts of it to my hubby because some parts were so funny. Don't be foil though, this is not a comedy. This is the story of Cassie, a star firefighter, who is about to receive one of the most prestigious awards a firefighter can receive for an act of bravery. The Maire has scheduled to hand her the award but was called to a more pressing matter and went one of his counselors to do the honour. Cassie has a history with this counselor and when he discreetly grabs her butt during the award ceremony, she cracks the award plaque on his head and gives him a good beating. Cassie is told to apologize to the counselor or lose her job. She compromises by being transferred to another station near her estranged mother who has just resurfaced and is asking for her help. This is a new start but it wil...