A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List by Ileana Abrev My rating: 4 of 5 stars A big thank you to NetGalley and Llewellyn Publications for this whimsical ARC of A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List by Ileana Abrev. I read this book on my way to visit with my parents in Québec. My mom used to tell me stories about her mother and how she used to be the country doctor in the early 19th hundreds. My grandmother was a “Sage Femme”. Way before doctors came along in that remote region of Québec, she delivered babies, provided natural remedies for colds, headaches, monthly discomfort, toothaches and many more illnesses. All this changed once doctors started to establish themselves in that region and started a campaign to discredit midwives. My grand-mother soon felt like this would turn into a witch hunt and abandoned her practice. Her craft was never passed on to her daughters, therefore, not to me either. When I...